On Shakespeare translations, productions, adaptations, spin-offs, and parodies in Arab countries as well as Arab-themed Shakespeare uses elsewhere. Comments and suggestions to arabshakespeare [at] gmail.com.
Sunday, April 22, 2012
Mounir Abou Debs' Hamlet
Just wanted to draw attention toImproBeirut's helpful comment on a much earlier post, alerting me to a photo just posted on the Mounir Abou Debs Facebook fan page:
"Check this link... you can find a picture from the 1967
production directed by Mounir Abou Debs of Hamlet, on the right hand
side is Michel Nabaa along with Antoine Kerbage playing the king and
Reda Khoury on the far right as Hamlet's Mother." https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10151549577570366&set=a.10151549577540366.842085.70929910365&type=1&theater
Great! Now anyone feel like tracking down and examining Adonis' translation?
"Check this link... you can find a picture from the 1967 production directed by Mounir Abou Debs of Hamlet, on the right hand side is Michel Nabaa along with Antoine Kerbage playing the king and Reda Khoury on the far right as Hamlet's Mother." https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10151549577570366&set=a.10151549577540366.842085.70929910365&type=1&theater